
NZ Fish Species: Saltwater

Billfish | Freshwater | Saltwater | Sharks | Tuna |


To one hundred and forty centimetres and more. The trumpeter's normal centre of abundance is about and south of Cook Strait, although winter stragglers may reach Doubtless Bay. The species is not now as plentiful as formerly. Rocky coastlines to depths of forty metres or clear bottoms to a two hundred metres are places frequented by this species. It is taken more often about rocky ground, where it feeds on a wide variety of animal life including other quite large fishes. Its general colour is shades of olive with flushes of yellow, and there are three or four yellowish-brown bands along the upper sides. The colour pattern, protruding snout and large mouth are readily observed features. The maori name kohokohi is not widely used. Small specimens are often caught in association with tarakihi in southern waters, while large specimens are sometimes taken on deepwater reefs while fishing for hapuku.

Other types of Saltwater:
Barracouta | Bass | Blue cod | Blue mackerel | Blue maomao | Blue moki | Bluenose warehou | Grey mullet | Gurnard | Hapuku | Jack mackerel | John dory | Kahawai | Parore | Red cod | Snapper | Tarakihi | Trevally | Trumpeter | Warehou | Yellowtail kingfish |

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