
New Zealand Fishing News - Audit and Readership

To improve your fishing success you need to identify and target the species of fish you wish to catch. You can then determine what type of rod, reel and bait to use and what area to fish. Advertising is much the same, target your prospective clients then design and place your advertisements where they will be most effective.

Size Counts

  • 295,000* readers aged 10+ per month
  • Audited circulation of 26,780** copies per month
  • 140,000* readers read 4 out of 4 issues
  • 120,000 readers are the main income earner
  • 126,000 readers have fished in the last year

How Big?

Not all magazines can boast the biggest readership or the most audited sales per month. Specialist magazines often have smaller and more targeted audiences. But that is not an excuse to avoid having an independent audit of their monthly sales and readership.

  Audited readership
per month*
Audited circulation
per issue**
NZ Fishing News 295,000 26,780
NZ Fishing World Not audited 10,079
Coast to Coast Not audited Not audited
Boating New Zealand 151,000 15,256
Trade-A-Boat 76,000 14,515

* AC Nielsen National Readership Survey Jul 05-Jun 06
** ABC Audited Circulation Jan-Jun 06

New Zealand Fishing News
274 Church St, P.O.Box 12965
Penrose, Auckland, New Zealand
Ph: +64 9 634 1800 Fax: +64 9 634 2948

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