
NZ Fish Species: Sharks

Billfish | Freshwater | Saltwater | Sharks | Tuna |

White shark

A proven man-eater with a preference for cooler areas, this shark is present throughout our waters often entering shallow water. Any animal life if suitable size is taken, including very large fishes and dead domestic animals. With recovering seal populations, increasing numbers of white shark sightings are reported each year. Its colour is variable, usually shades of grey, blue and brown with a tendency to dirty white in larger examples. The stout form and large, coarsely serrated triangular teeth are quite distinctive features. Great white and white pointer are widely used alternative names. These sharks are seldom targeted by New Zealand anglers

Other types of Sharks:
Blue shark | Bronze whaler | Hammerhead shark | Mako shark | Spotted dogfish | Thresher shark | Tope (school shark) | White shark |

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