
NZ Fish Species: Sharks

Billfish | Freshwater | Saltwater | Sharks | Tuna |

Blue shark

A common pelagic shark with world-wide distribution, blue sharks are common in New Zealand offshore waters right around the coast. They are easily recognizable by their bright blue colour and long slender body , with over-length pectoral fins. Individual specimens may range from just-born pups of 40cm up to very large adults of five metres. The largest recorded rod-and-reel capture is 198.1kg. Although not renowned for their fighting ability (they have earned the local nickname "gumboots"), blue sharks are honest fighters on light tackle or flyrod, and are (along with mako sharks) the mainstay of a number of shark fishing tournaments held in the southern half of the North Island, and the South Island each year. The usual technique is to attract the sharks with a chum line before presenting a bait.

Other types of Sharks:
Blue shark | Bronze whaler | Hammerhead shark | Mako shark | Spotted dogfish | Thresher shark | Tope (school shark) | White shark |

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