
NZ Fish Species: Sharks

Billfish | Freshwater | Saltwater | Sharks | Tuna |

Tope (school shark)

To two metres and more. A rather slender shark common throughout our waters in depths to two hundred metres, and one which is regularly taken on a line. It is easily recognised by its flat snout, uniform greyish to greyish-brown colour, and by the deep U-shaped notch in its tail. The teeth are small with a number of points to each. This shark is not dangerous to humans, although it sometimes comes inshore on sandy beaches amongst the bathers and often follows hooked fishes to the surface. This species, like most others, will eat anything available. Sand shark is a widely used alternative name. Caught by in-shore, harbour anglers and surf-casters. Light wire leaders are required

Other types of Sharks:
Blue shark | Bronze whaler | Hammerhead shark | Mako shark | Spotted dogfish | Thresher shark | Tope (school shark) | White shark |

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