
NZ Fish Species: Tuna

Billfish | Freshwater | Saltwater | Sharks | Tuna |

Yellowfin tuna

To two metres. This is a warm water, cosompolitan species which in our area wanders south to only to about Hawkes Bay and outer Taranaki Bight. It is similar to southern tuna but has a longer pectoral fin and an angular check plate. In larger examples the second dorsal fin and its opposite member become long and pointed and may reach to the tail fin. General colour is similar to the other tunas, with brighter yellow fins and with vertical white lines and spots along the sides. Colour fades quickly after capture. Food is mostly surface fishes of open water. A very popular sportfish, particularly in the Bay of Plenty in the summer. It is usually fished for with trolled lures or in a meatball situation where the tuna herd up schools of baitfish. Here, livebaits or cubes (chunks) are used. Most fish are smoked for later consumption. Average size is around 30 kilograms with fish over seventy kilos taken each year.

Other types of Tuna:
Albacore | Bigeye tuna | Skipjack tuna | Southern bluefin tuna | Yellowfin tuna |

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