
NZ Fish Species: Tuna

Billfish | Freshwater | Saltwater | Sharks | Tuna |


To eighty centimetres. Another cosomopolitan species of cool tropical warm temperate seas. It is found right around our coastline in summer. It has a long, strap-like pectoral fin. Colour is blue-black above and silvery-white below. Examples up to about five kilos have oblique stripes on the hinder body. Food taken is similar to other tuna (i.e other surface fishes) but swimming crabs and large shrimps are also taken. This white-fleshed tuna is a popular recreational species and is caught on trolled lures, jigs, flies and baits. During the winter months there is a run of large specimens, often exceeding 20 kilos, in the Bay of Plenty. During summer months albacore are regularly caught offshore in many parts of the country

Other types of Tuna:
Albacore | Bigeye tuna | Skipjack tuna | Southern bluefin tuna | Yellowfin tuna |

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