
NZ Fish Species: Billfish

Billfish | Freshwater | Saltwater | Sharks | Tuna |

Black marlin

To four and a half metres. This is a heavy, thick set marlin of warm Indo-Pacific oceans which reaches our northern coasts in summer months wandering south at least to East Cape. The short, thick spear, low dorsal lobe and fixed pectoral fin are features which immediately distinguish this species from the more abundant striped marlin. Colour is blue-black above, greyish-white below, and an overall bronze flush is sometimes present. Stripes are often present but may fade quickly after capture. Any other fishes are taken as food. Black marlin are most regularly encountered around shallow reef structures. Captures of this species have dwindled in recent years, largely because of the swing towards lure fishing. Specialists targeting black marlin with large live-baits continue to have success

Other types of Billfish:
Black marlin | Blue marlin | Broadbill swordfish | Striped marlin |

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