
NZ Fish Species: Saltwater

Billfish | Freshwater | Saltwater | Sharks | Tuna |


To eighty centimetres. The most abundant commercial species in New Zealand, with most taken north of Cook Strait, it does, however, wander south to Banks Penisula in summer months. It frequents any kind of bottom to about two hundred metres. Its food includes a wide variety of animals, notably shellfish fastened to rocks and those living in sand and mud. Sea eggs (kina), crabs and other fishes are also taken in abundance. The steep head profile, large grasping and crushing teeth, and golden-red colour with blue green spots, easily identify this species. Small examples are sometimes called bream and the maori name tamure is still in use along northern coasts. New Zealand's most sought after recreational and table fish. Snapper may be caught on bait or by jigging small lures. Numbers have been reduced by excessive commercial fishing in the northern half of the north-east coast of the north island, although the daily limit bag of nine fish is still attainable. It is hoped that new fisheries management measures will restore stocks of this fast breeding fish.

Other types of Saltwater:
Barracouta | Bass | Blue cod | Blue mackerel | Blue maomao | Blue moki | Bluenose warehou | Grey mullet | Gurnard | Hapuku | Jack mackerel | John dory | Kahawai | Parore | Red cod | Snapper | Tarakihi | Trevally | Trumpeter | Warehou | Yellowtail kingfish |

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